Elaine Maxworthy Counselling • CBT • Hypnotherapy • Reiki
in Immingham 

Which EMT is the way forward for you?


About Hypnotherapy. bird


Helps you become at ease with yourself and others. Firstly, a trust needs to be established between therapist and client this helps both parties to be truly honest with each other. Counselling offers the space to feel truly validated in your thoughts, behaviour and emotions. Counselling works in a process that is very different for each individual person, and this helps you feel unique. After the initial first session the process continues where you learn a wider perspective of self. At times we become conditioned in what is, expected of us, to respond in certain ways to certain situations. Counselling helps to break down the conditions that no longer serve us well. During the process of counselling you are constantly learning and developing new ways of expressing, coping and living a fuller life. The self becomes fully present in the here and now and you feel you can truly respect yourself and others. This gives you good sense of self and autonomy and value.

'Whether you think you can or you think you can't, your right' - Henry Ford



This is a direct approach, that helps you gain more control in your life. CBT is a concept basically around your thoughts, behaviour and physical sensations that are all interconnected. Negative thoughts can trap you into a vicious cycle. CBT aims to help you deal with overwhelming problems in a positive way by breaking them down into smaller more manageable parts. You gain insight on how you can change the negative unhelpful cycle. Finding new ways to improve thoughts and behaviour in a more positive cycle.
CBT helps to deal with current problems rather than focusing on issues of the past. CBT looks at practical ways to improve your state of well-being on a current daily basis.

About Hypnotherapy. cbtexplained


Hypnotherapy is a relaxed state of inner focused attention. Where our minds become more concentrated and focused, we are able to utilise our minds more effectively. Throughout hypnosis the body goes into a deep relaxation, where the mind becomes, more alert and susceptible to positive suggestions.
Unhealthy memories and beliefs of events are stored in the mind, the relaxed mind opens to the previous events, during hypnotherapy. The mind becomes ready for change, enabling a release of the negativity, often with catharsis, but not always. Hypnotherapy enables change of the old memories, with the help of, positive suggestions that are formed from the creative self.
Hypnotherapy targets the unhealthy automatic memories and challenges old formed limiting beliefs (that may have formed in early childhood or just repeated actions of unhealthy behaviour in adulthood) and creates more healthy beliefs. An example can be, ‘I’m not good enough,’ changing the belief to ‘I am good enough.’
Hypnotherapy works towards positive changes that have been agreed upon initial consultation.


About Hypnotherapy. hypnopuzzle


Reiki helps calm, release stress, let your cares melt away, restores balance and well-being.

Reiki is an energy healing practice that is usually delivered by listening to pleasant music and the practitioner placing their hands in a series of positions over or slightly above the body. Reiki promotes healing by activating the relaxation response and helping the body to balance itself at a very deep level.
How does Reiki work?
The spiritual healing art of Reiki works by channeling positive energy into your body, with Reiki masters and practitioners typically placing their hands on the affected areas of the body that need a boost, offering this energy and your body takes in the energy where most needed.
Reiki works on different levels the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, enhancing everything in life. This ancient Japanese method of healing using energy to balance the body and mind, and the benefits can be felt by both Reiki practitioners and their clients.
What does a Reiki session feel like?... The sensations vary for each time and each person. Sensations of the Reiki, may include hot and cold waves of energy to visualising swirls and colours, even having spiritual experiences. The experience is just how your particular body senses energy. You may feel a peace and calm in your mind and physically, in general. It is different for all clients but deep relaxation is, almost always felt.

About Hypnotherapy. reikipurple

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